About Us

Endless Frontier Foundation was officially registered in 2016. Coming from different sides of the Atlantic a group of us joined forces with the common goal of growing in Christ and sharing The Gospel. If we could describe the journey so far, we would all agree it has been God and His faithfulness.

In 2013 two young ladies packed up all they could into 8 containers and moved from the cornfields of Indiana to the bustling slum of Kibera. On previous trips to Kenya, they had made connections with a group of brothers in Christ who were serving the Lord in the community where they were raised. Nicholas and John along with some of their friends were spreading The Good News in local schools and through a feeding program that they would hold when funds were available. They had been gripped by the love of God and saw that this life in Christ is the true way to transformation.

Chami and Holly moved to Kenya with a desire to be led by the Shepherd in whatever direction He knew best. Not having plans of their own, they soon began joining their group of Kenyan brothers in service. Friday afternoons a group of them could be found down in the slum cleaning beans so that they could be washed and left to soak overnight for the Saturday feeding program. Saturdays were spent bent over the fire tending to the beans and rice, while in the neighboring hall there was singing, dancing, and devotions.

It has been beautiful to watch The Lord add to us and expand Endless Frontier as the years have passed. What started as a group of us coming together on Saturdays, grew and expanded as needs arose and the Lord provided. The Saturday feeding program revealed the need for a teen mentor-ship program, and Born To Shine (BTS) was started. Following BTS came additional school ministry opportunities, Kinship 145, Listen Up, Shamiri Girls, Sunday Fellowship, Bible Study and weekly prayers, a young mother’s program, and various other special weekend programs that we have throughout the year. Along the way God added George, Brian and Lucy to our team and it has been such a joy to serve alongside them. Endless Frontier has now expanded beyond Nairobi as John and Chami relocated to their village home and are holding Endless programs there.

As a team we count it a tremendous privilege to share the Life and love of Christ, witness Him transform lives, and see needs met through the body of Christ at large. The Endless Frontier Story so far has had little to do with strategy and planning. It has been a natural growth as God has led us and brought needs before us. It has been Of Him and Through Him and To Him, and may He be glorified as we look back at what He has done and look forward to what He will do.

Donations can be sent via mail to:

Endless Frontier Foundation, Inc
7218 W 550 S
Delphi, IN 46923

or click on the donate button below!